Serena Rugiero, responsabile dell'area ricerca energia, sviluppo e innovazione, interverrà al workshop organizzato nell'ambito del progetto di ricerca PRIN 2022 "Just transition in the factory. Workers' mobilizations and participatory
The report aims to analyse the role of industrial relations in the energy transition in Italy. The purpose is to provide a socio-economic analysis of the industry and an overview of the transition's impacts at the socio-territorial level. The reference framework is that of the Just Transition, which allows us to observe how the negative effects of the Transition can be balanced, guaranteeing the creation
Energy transition in Poland, and the resulting national policies, strategies and regulations have been driven by the EU climate policy and by Poland’s commitments following from its Member State status. While different measures have been introduced to promote the energy transition, including dedicated support schemes targeting different stakeholders, no commitment has been made
This research report, prepared as a part of the project “REJEnerAXion - Energy for a just and green recovery deal: the role of the industrial relations in the energy sector for a resilient Europe”, a European Union co-funded research project (101052341/SOCPL-2021-IND-REL), investigates Hungary's energy sector transformation within the framework of a just transition.
This working paper, which is part of the European project REJEnerAXion, financed by the European Commission and led by FDV, analyses the processes of just energy transition in Slovakia and the role of social dialogue and labour relations in the management of this type of transitions. Slovakia heavily relies on energy resources from Russia, but there are efforts to diversify sources
This working paper, which is part of the European project REJEnerAXion, financed by the European Commission and led by FDV, analyses the processes of just energy transition in Spain and the role of social dialogue and labour relations in the management of this type of transitions. A first presentation of the energy sector in Spain and the energy transition policies carried out
The role of trade unions and social dialogue is key in demonstrating the major differences between coal-based energy generation and the automobile industry.
This book presents two faces of a just transition towards a net-zero carbon economy by drawing lessons from these two carbon-intensive sectors.
The authors regard just transition not as an abstract concept, but as a real practice in real workplaces. While decarbonisation itself is a common objective, particular transitions take place in work environments that are themselves determined by the state of the capital-labour relationship, with inherent conflicts of interest, during the transition process.